Wednesday, May 18, 2016

To do list

To do list

1. Graphic organizers for reading passaages.
   After dealing with each passage in an EBS stuff during a class, let each student review it with graphic organizer.

2. At the start of semester, Memrise will be introduced for students' self study. And once in a year I could check their ranking and share it in a whole class, which could remind students of the necessity of vocabulary learning.

3. Devolver for background knowledge about a passage

4. 'Wonder' activity for a Reading club
- Comprehension check up : Kahoot
- Word review : Memrise
- Word test : quizletlive
- Favorite phrases and sentences for a share in a group
- One's own precept for a presentation

5. EBS reading class model
1) Jigsaw Reading for a review
2) Kahoot for how well students understand the given passages
3) Quizletlive for word review( not a test, for a study)

- Jigsaw Reading with EBS passages
 Goal : Review EBS passages and foster students' own self study
 After grouping similar topics of EBS passages, choose one topic for a jigsaw reading.
 Whole class : 24 students. Divide 2 groups(12 students) which do the same activity at the same time.
 12 students will do one jigsaw activity(Expert group: 3 students(A,B,C) and 4 groups, original group: 4 students(four As, Bs, and Cs in each group) and 3 groups)
 Expert groups read through a given passage and share what they've already studied or their ideas about topics, main ideas, the organization of the passages, hard vocabularies, grammar points, or what other types of questions they could be modified into.
 Students are regrouped into original groups and share what they have shared in their own expert groups. It will help those students review four different passages relevant to one topic.

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